Nancy E. White, Director of Sales, SFG, LLC
Name: Nancy E. White
Sponsor Member: SFG, LLC
Position: Director of Sales
Favorite magazines: Of course, I love Texas Highways, Arizona Highways and Kansas! (SFG’s partners who are IRMA members). But I am also a huge fan of all the fashion glossies.
What do you love most about magazines? The feel of the glossy page, the smell of ink, the crinkle of turning pages and the vibrant colors.
Who or what inspires you? My children, who are all grown adults, living amazing, successful lives. I wonder, “How in the world did these superstars come from me?” and it drives me to continually improve.
What aspects of your job do you like best? Travel and meeting people.
If you could choose anyone as a mentor, who would you choose? There are so many inspiring women that I could learn from: Michelle Obama, Brene Brown, Elizbeth Gilbert, Oprah Winfrey, Mel Robbins. Each one could teach me different things.
What are some fun facts about you that not many people know? I was, briefly, a fashion model.
Drink of choice (alcoholic or non): Kentucky Bourbon, straight up
What’s the last book you read? Currently reading Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown
What’s the first concert you ever attended? Chicago
What did you want to be growing up? It has ranged from missionary to fashion designer, but the urge to be a writer has always been there.
When not making amazing magazines, how do you like spending your time? Playing with my twin grandsons!